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Writer's pictureJakkie Talmage

The BIG Reveal!

Heads up—this month’s blog is a bit different because, well, it’s all about ME! 

I hope you don’t mind a little self-indulgence, but next week, I’m turning 60. Yep, the big 6-0! How on earth did that happen?

At first, I wanted to hide and let the date slip by unnoticed, thinking that turning 60 was something to be ashamed of, a time to quietly fade into the background and become invisible. But then I had a stern word with myself: Why hide from this moment? Why run from a number that holds within it the richness of an entire lifetime?

So, instead of dreading it, I’m choosing to embrace it! Every wrinkle, every grey hair, every scar—they’re not signs of aging, they’re proof of a life fully lived

For most of my life, I’ve focused on helping others heal and overcome fears, often not acknowledging my own journey. It’s easy to dwell on what I haven’t done or compare myself to others. But today, I’m choosing to honour all I’ve achieved, all I’ve become, and every hurdle I’ve jumped.

Okay, so it’s time for me to get a little personal…

School was not exactly my strong suit. I failed English three times and left feeling like I wasn’t smart enough—certainly not cut out to be a writer! My self-esteem was at an all-time low, and there were dark moments when I struggled to see the point of carrying on. But somehow, through all the ups, downs, I found my way.

I started with art college, moved into graphic design, and within a year (despite getting fired from my first job—oops!), I climbed the ranks to become a creative manager and then art director for a top health magazine in London. 

Success, right? Well, not quite. Something was missing.

That missing was ME

I’ve always been a free spirit at heart, drawn to nature, animals, and adventure. The road I was on didn’t match who I was inside. I think at the time it was more about proving I wasn’t useless, however the conventional route of a corporate job, marriage, and children never really sparked any excitement in me.

So, I quit my job and spent a year backpacking around the world in search of myself. Though I didn’t fully find her, I stumbled upon something even greater—a calling to help others heal. Unsure of my exact path, I took a leap of faith, left the corporate world behind, and moved to Australia to pursue this new mission. It wasn’t easy—at times lonely and frightening—but it was my journey, and I was determined to follow it wherever it led.

This journey led me through countless challenges—heartbreaks, failed relationships, financial struggles and health crises. I moved 24 times, faced endless rejections, and hit rock bottom more times than I care to count. There were many moments when I questioned leaving my secure, well-paid corporate life, but every challenge, no matter how tough, taught me something priceless and brought me closer to my true self.

This, I realised, was a journey of the soul.

I trained in every healing modality available at the time. I joined the theatre and performed on stage in front of hundreds. I travelled to 23 different countries and met incredible people (including you, perhaps!).

I faced a lot of terrifying situations some of which included; falling out of planes, battling dysentery in India, getting lost in the Australian bush, swimming with sharks (unintentionally) and being swept out into the Red Sea with noone around to save me! I fought off a masked gunman (a tale in my book, Your MindBody Journey), and had a near-miss with being sold into slavery in Pakistan (don’t ask!)

I was also involved in a tragic car accident in a Malaysia that claimed the life of a young boy, leaving me to wrestle with overwhelming guilt and sorrow.

To be honest I’m genuinely astonished I’ve made it to 60, given the number of near-death experiences I've had! It’s as if an unseen hand has been continually guiding me out of trouble.

And each experience became a lesson; of courage, resilience, compassion, self-love, and transformed the traumas into profound sources of strength

But the hardest chapter by far was returning to the UK to care for my beloved mum as she faced Alzheimer's, guiding her through her final transition while the world was gripped by Covid. Shortly after, a family betrayal shattered me even further. But in the depths of all that pain, I shed even more layers of myself I hadn’t yet faced. 

I realised I wasn't breaking -  I was breaking free!

As I healed; I grew, I learnt, I became stronger, wiser, lighter, more open, more loving, and much more whole. I started to uncover parts of myself I never knew existed. 

I found my voice, I found more confidence, more talents, more courage, more self-worth and more sense of humour! (which had become absolutely essential!) Best of all, along the way, I found my soulmate—complete with an amazing daughter, giving me the family I never knew I needed.

I’ve been incredibly blessed to live in some of the world’s most stunningly beautiful places, including two unforgettable years travelling around Australia in a van with my soul mate. I’ve climbed up mountains, sailed the oceans, swam with whales, dolphins, manta rays - oh yes and the sharks! 

Magic and synchronicities seem to turn up everywhere I go now. And because I'm in the flow, I stumble upon heart-shaped stones and find random four-leaf clovers, as if the universe is gently whispering, “Keep going, you’re on the right path and you’re doing just fine.”

And as my love of life and nature deepens, I feel an extraordinary connection to my divinity—some days, it feels like I have a direct hotline to spirit. Am I losing my mind, or am I truly in conversation with the divine, receiving profound messages of wisdom?

This wisdom has fuelled my work as a healer, helped me build my business, publish two books, lead transformational workshops and courses, as well as produce inspirational art products. But the most joyful moments come from watching others break free from their pain and step into their truth. It serves as a powerful reminder that I’ve stepped into mine.

And I’m not done yet! Oh no!! I’m not slowing down—I’m rising. (literally, because I'm climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge on The BIG Day!)

I have so much more to give, learn, and become. And as I enter my 60s, I’m determined to grow stronger, deepen my connections, become healthier, sillier, and have more adventures (perhaps a little less risky). There are more books to write, more souls to uplift, and more art to create. My path is one of expression and expansion, not supresion and contraction, and I can’t wait to fall in love with life all over again.

So, I’ll keep facing the challenges and embracing the magic that continues to light my way.

We’re on this adventure together, lighting the way for one another as we journey back home to our true selves. So as a special birthday gift, I’d love to hear a message from you this time!

You’ve been such an important part of this journey, and If I’ve touched your life in any way—your words would mean the world to me. They’ll remind me why I do the work I do and you'll help fuel me as I step into this next chapter. 

So let's live life with more passion; laughing until our sides hurt and keeping our hearts wide open, because life's a gift to enjoy, not just to endure

And thank YOU, for helping to celebrate ME—all 60 years of it! 🎉

x x x

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